Err...I'm not really good at welcome messages but anyway...make sure your brain won't explode into tiny bits while reading the posts!! HAHA
Friday, September 30, 2011 @ 7:46 PM
HAHA Funniest panels ever in TB..Lloyd's face is so awesome!! The "I DON'T CARE A SHIT" look hahahahaha And Hazel..Complaning about the most trival things when his master is like "Hazel." (x2) with more important things to tell Lloyd..these 2 people may seem quite an ass at first but they are actually good people. Have to read on in the manga to know more about their past!! But the English translation havent released =(
Chapter 32 of TB is super funny!! The 2 dingos almost destroyed the whole building then the people told them to stop *Not that I care but ARIA FANSERVICE!!* But what follows is super serious..TB is always like this, funny then very very serious..Like calm before a storm.
478..And Beel!!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 @ 4:47 PM
Today, I picked up a new manga named "Beelzebub"..well the only reason why I got attracted to read this series is because of the super adorable "baby Beel!!" Super cute can!! HAHAHA..but..despite his cuteness, he is actually the Demon King!!
Cuz I first time read this manga, and I plan to watch the anime after the entire series have been released n subbed, so I still can't really remember the character names lol, needa re-read then will rmb haha
I really want TB shine illustrations T_T 20% WHEN U COMING!! And I wanna order a how to draw anime book too soon..hahah
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 @ 7:55 PM
I've been reading my all time favourite series, Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (aka yanmega) again!! I chionged to the latest english translation and tried to read some chinese translations but my eyes feel like they were gonna explode (Well, my chinese not very good and most importantly, the quality of the scans and the size of the words were really PITA to read!! And in "fan ti zi" somemore!!) So yeah!! This is a really awesome series also.
(Oh n it's one of the rare series that has so many cool n awesome characters in glasses. YEAH MAN!! AWESOME GLASSES =P One of my fav characters in yanmega is Izumi, and he wears glasses. haha)
I realised that yanmega has a drama!! But after reading the reviews and the photos of the actors it really pisses me off! What's with Shinagawa!! He's such a badass, strong-willed, yet friendly person but what's with the dude in the drama!! He ain't an emo!! And the worst. IZUMI! WTF! Izumi used to be in a FREAKIN' MOTORCYCLE GANG and can rival Shinagawa in terms of fighting strength. And tho he quit his gang n now wants to be superb in studies, he's still pretty fly. But the actor?? He looks like some total nerd that stays at home all day n night to mug and looks so weak that even I (GET IT? ME!!) CAN PUNCH HIM FLAT IN ONE SHOT..gosh..please do not ruin the manga../ends rant lol
This is volume 22 of yanmega! Volume 23 is the last vol, and it has ended. But DARN THE TRANSLATIONS ARE SUREEEEE SLOW...gosh..*whining hahaha* I wanna read till the 211 chapters n they translated till 151 only!! *continues whining* XD
5 years ago Shinagawa sure looks really awesome!! (Can't believe 5 years ago he studies in the top junior high sch, and on top of that THE TOP [or 2nd thanks to a rival but STILL] STUDENT!!! OMG!!) Ain't looking very nerdy at all!! Of cuz the present Shinagawa looks cool too!! (Well, looks almost exactly the same 'cept for hair colour n glasses) But in terms of coolness, no one rivals Jiggy Pepper of TB!! WAHAHAHA
This author's style is pretty great also, but sometimes her body proportions are kinda wrong..(I'm not the one to speak!! I can't even draw properly!!) .___.
Just realised my "!!" spam..makes me sound like some crazy wacko maniac!! haha!! There goes the double exclamation spam again!
And if ya wanna know what I'm doin in real life besides reading manga..frankly speaking, NOT MUCH..'cept that everyday if I think of a better character design of my Weather-tans (IF U ALL RMB WHATS THAT) then I'll sketch it far the only one that I'm super pleased with is my very pretty Thunder =D =D =D So piao liang can!! HAHAHAHA *OMG* I'm trying to constanly improve my other characters and get a design that I'm satisfied with.
Long post, btw! Won't be typing such a long one in awhile. hahahaah
Monday, September 12, 2011 @ 11:00 PM
OMG!! I think I'll die to get this book..
It's so full of awesome!! Almost every darned page of this 112-page hard covered book is coloured!! I think I'm going crazy already...according to the kino sg book web it cost arnd $59 (without 10% member offer) offer around $53..omg!! I really wan sia!! @_@ WHO GOT KINO CARD!! GO TO KINO WITH ME NAO!! (lol, not "now" literally, but u get it..)
I am really a fan of TB's author's style, and I read a review (WITH PICTURES!!!) of this book here..omg!! Makes me wan the book even more now..The author also has another illustration book called Water, and that one consists of his other artworks. Really nice.
I came across his (TB's author) blog n look at his hand! This is what I called hardcore..well I don't think this will ever happen to me (at least, in the near future) considering what a slacker I am..
I got the Reborn Colore! for 11 bucks, well yeah, its awesome but slightly less than half of it are not coloured pages, and the book is like manga-sized. But what can I say? 11 bucks..well, still full of Reborn AWESOMENESS!! The pictures are quite high-quality (well considering the size..if its not high quality then whut!?!) but one major flaw is for every illustration I can't see the part towards the binding..I guess that happens alot, but this one's kinda serious. Well I shall close one eye (the other one to look at the pretty works; I'm a fan of Reborn's artist style as well) yeah..
TIME TO SAVE $$..Since I'm a slacker n never find job.. Maybe the next "2 mths holiday" I might find...MIGHT..
475..Jiggy Pepper is really cool
Sunday, September 11, 2011 @ 1:22 AM
until photobucket WORKS..I'll post this for now oh n JIGGY PEPPER!! May not be the best looking manga character in the world, but still..DAMN COOL!! This page of the manga..made Jiggy Pepper my 3rd fav character in TB. (1st is Zazie n 2nd is Niche haha) ^_^ Most of what is needed to say is being written on top haha =) PS if my handwriting sucks, lol
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 @ 7:22 PM
OMG ZAZIE!!!! And LAG!! LOL!! My favourite character in TB is officially Zazie!! Haha!! And Lag is too good of a cross-dresser..omg..even the characters in the manga go crazy cuz Lag is dressing up as a girl!! What's with that face LAG!! YOU ARE A BOY!!!
And...Part 2!! STOP MAKING THAT KIND OF FACE, LAG AND "YOU'RE SO ANNOYING, ZAJI!!" LOL!! (Oh Lara is the name Lag used when he was disguising as a girl)
Finally, Part 3!! Lag instantly becomes a man when he wears back his trousers! LOL So this marks the end of The Story of Zazie n the Kitty..
(ok..My crappy and lighthearted story aside..This is a really, really sad chapter...gah..Like the calm before a storm..All the funny kitty scenes then the sad and serious ones..WHY SO CRUEL, AUTHOR!!)
Trace trace trace, colour colour colour I hope one day my drawing will be nice enough that I will colour it.. LOL
Traced from Chapter 6 page 1, Tegami Bachi =)
ARGHHH I miss Gauche ;__; I can't stop thinking of episode 2...urghhhhh why did he lose his heart =( Like how Lag always shouts his name, GAUCHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011 @ 8:15 PM
So for the past 2 blog posts I really blabber alot about letter bee! I have sad news tho..and that is, I QUIT THE ANIME!! I'm so sorry mans..but cuz the anime caught up with the manga, and I don't blame the guys for making fillers, but I blame them for making BAD fillers..gosh...
There is no doubt that their animation is good. And how they adapt it from the manga is really good too. The first 2 episodes really had an impact on me, I'll never be able to forget the episodes (esp ep emotional..) And they chose a really good opening song too!
Since I became a really great fan of this series, I'm gunna read the manga and see if the story's better..I love almost all the main n sub-main characters of this series! Lag is really cute, and I really love Niche n Steak! haha..I taken a liking to Zazie..=) And of course, Connor! Hehehe..This story is somewhat "heart-wrenching"..and the manga, it seems that it's reaching the "climax" soon..of course, after that, the resolution will come. And I wonder if it will end there, or create another annoying arc. It will certainly be very sad if the manga ends, but I rather that than MANY MANY annoying arcs! With no proper explanation n ending whatsoever..I hate that kind of stuff. Maybe instead of arcs there can be short stories of their daily life, like a special chapter kinda thing. Hahaha
And so, it's time for my 1.5x exp in maple. HAHAHAH
P.S. Zazie n his Aotoge!! And his dingo (whose name is damn hard to spell)!! Gonna draw that fanart soon =)
Friday, September 2, 2011 @ 9:26 PM
I really love Lag Seeing and Niche!! They're so cute =) Haha...and I love the setting in Letter Bee (Tegami Bachi). It's like constantly night and I love the colours =) Bluish and purplish. And Gauche!! OMG!! *faints* I posted the full OP in the previous blog post, but I really, really love the video too so I'm posting it here (can see Gauche!! And Lag!! Haha!!)
But Gauche..only appears in like the 1st few episodes, later he like "lost his heart" and memories and changed into a completely different person (havent watch but I read spoilers LOL) And I'm kinda sad!! Gauche looked so much friendler and nicer in the Tegami Bachi uniform..talking about the uniform, really damn cool sia!! Haha I want to have a Tegami Bachi hat =P
After ep 13 or around there the op changed, and I'm kinda sad...*abit like not so look forward to watching the next ep le LOL!!* And argh!! So early got fillers le! Even tho I didnt read the manga before...its so easy to spot filler episodes..crappy side chars and crappy stories...pzzhhhhhhhh..waste of my time...(as expected of the same studio which animated Bleach..CRAPPY FILLERS THEIR TRADEMARK?)
I wanna do some Tegami Bachi fan art already!! Hahahaha..
P.S. Because Lag is really cute...I shall post him here!! XD
Thursday, September 1, 2011 @ 11:28 PM
I've started to watch Letter Bee! 1st episode..I think this anime will quite long so I watch slower..wahahaha...(well..never works.) I love the opening song! But what's with the rap!! Like joke haha!! Even tho idk what it means..but this guy's voice..definitely not suitable for rapping.
Seems interesting, but for now abit complicated..simi shoot the shindan then the heart will get "eaten away" then memories blabla...must watch on then understand more..I watched a few bits n pieces on Animax..And animax is the place where I found out Nodame also!! (Damn slow sia me!! LOL) And I wanna watch Nurarihyon no Mago one day also. Also found out from Animax de LOL...actually I got attracted to letter bee cuz of the advertisement, they used the OP..nice song =)
Still rewatching some nice scenes in Nodame Cantabile...I skip all the ochestra scenes tho! Unless I like how it sounds...I like Mozart's Sonata for 2 pianos and Nocturne by Chopin (k..they arent ochestra scenes lol)..that scene damn funny!! The 2 characters were having an "emotional" time then the tuner dude playing the piano!! wtf mans..1st time watch liek lulz
Revising my Japanese in progress..bad memory!! URGH!!...And may consider learning keyboard..
Oh n today went back AHS! Hehe. I see chers quite "weird" la cuz idk, SOMEONE keep running away hor...hahahaha
Saw FEI-licia, I mean, Felicia and others!! Damn long never see her liao. hahaha...hope to meet up with Corne n Felicia and others after their promos then can hang out together. Ate at Mad Jack..wah the pepper sauce is damn peppery..and the ice lemon tea, don't even call it Ice lemon tea!! I call it..Sour n cold water. LOL
Really miss AHS! Actually, AHS without all that disciplinary stuffs is actually really awesome. Although SP now quite ok..but perhaps the lack of uniform and lack of a classroom for us to chill in during recess, listen (n slack) during class, and mug after school together makes poly like not so "united". AHS ppl more drive also! I miss the drive =( Thankfully current friends are quite "hiong"!! Haha!! So hiong that it scares me! Wan xian!! Sleep at 5 everyday!! Scary..hahaha
Hi, I'm Yan Min and welcome to my blog of ramblings wahahahaha...
I love anime n manga but I'm not an otaku
I love to doodle n draw n I hope I can improve
Normally listen to Korean, Japanese n English songs. Mostly SHINee n Anime OP & ED
I like drawing n painting. And hope to learn piano one day. And maybe the violin. And maybe some cool martial art. And maybe some other cool stuff
But in the end. I never bring my ass to learn new things
Cuz. I love to sleep. And loll around...
Some all time favourites of mine include: Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Honey and Clover, Nodame Cantabile, SHINee, Axis Powers Hetalia
My second homes (?): CAPS 1A,2/1,3/3,4/3,5/3,6/3, AHS 1F,2G,3K,4K and now in SP DDA :)
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